Foundational Literature for Moving Native Plant Materials in Changing Climates
Mary I. Williams, R. Kasten Dumroese, Jeremiah R. Pinto, and Martin F. Jurgensen, 2015, Foundational Literature for Moving Native Plant Materials in Changing Climates, General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-347, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Seed transfer guidelines and zones are used to manage the movement of plant materials, but by the end of the century many landscapes across the globe will have climates that are incompatible with current vegetation. The mismatch in rates between climate change and plant migration and adaptation will pose significant challenges for natural resource managers, especially when scientific information often lags behind the demand for management actions. We developed a bibliography to reflect the growing interest in assisted migration, the intentional movement of plant materials in response to climate change, and to provide a central foundation for collaboration in generating research questions, conducting studies, transferring and acquiring data, expanding studies to key species and geographic regions, and guiding native plant transfer in changing climates. The bibliography contains literature through 15 March 2015 on plant transfer guidelines as related to climate change, restoration and conservation, and adaptation strategies, such as assisted migration. References are arranged in four chapters: Climate Change, Conservation and Restoration, Migration, and Transfer Guidelines and Zones. Chapters are further divided into sections: General (editorials, reviews, summaries, surveys, and trends), Research (common garden studies, genecology research, provenance tests, range shifts), Strategies (adaptation options, decision support, frameworks, and policies) and Resources (manuals, models, tools, and websites).
Foundational Literature for Moving Native Plant Materials in Changing Climates.pdf
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